Sunday, December 31, 2006

Your results:
You are Green Lantern

Green Lantern
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Unhealthy vegetable?

Came across this a long time ago, and snapped a photo of it. I didn't realise people would actually believe this label, until I saw someone writing to the forums about vegetables being high in sodium!

So here's the deal people. 1 serving of veg is NOT 15g. That would be like 1 leaf. And no damn fresh vegetable has 1510mg of sodium per 100g of veg. This would be even higher than the sodium content of instant noodles. This is blatant irresponsible nutrition labelling by fairprice

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Chix veggy soup - the nut case healthy version

This is for ya sam. Seeing ur suffering with the dinner salad thingy, decided to post a recipe that involves foods with more edible tastes!


Chix breast, cut into bite size chucks -100g
Broccoli - any reasonable amount...haha...
Baby asparagus - same
Spinach - same
Fresh shitake (cost ard 1.50 @ giant) - 2-3 caps, sliced thinly
Maggi concentrated chix stock - 1-2 tbsp

Boil around 300 ml of water with the maggi chix stock. Blanch broccoli and asparagus until cooked (turns green all ard). Remove from stock. Add shitake and chix and boil until cooked. Finally, add spinach. Transfer to bowl with brocoli and asparagus and u have a healthy good meal!

(for variation, I add miso to my soup too! But I don't normally drink the soup. Its mainly to flavour the ingredients more than anything!)
Going to enlist tmr. Without a proper fitting pair of long pants...sigh...

And going there without any idea what to expect, coz no one I know is in PES E9 lol.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Sam dude, for ya.

Instead of a diet plan, this is more like a daily schedule actually.

Wake everyday MAX at 6.00am

Coffee + whatever low-cal sugar sub only.

6.30. Jog or walk around the neighbourhood. Min about 1 hr.

7.30. Bath and more coffee.

8.00 200 ml of non-fat youghurt on strawberries (low GI fruit) + Apple with skin ON. Actually, anything that keeps below 200kcal, discounting the fruit, is good.

From now till noon, free time. Hungry? Eat carrot(no cooking, no peeling of skin) or celery or apple! Or drink coke LIGHT! In fact, even if not hungry, also drink coke light or eat carrot. Caffeine raises ya metabolica rate. Carrot and celery are effectively negetive calorie. I think apple shld be too actually, but I'm not sure,cause some apples are so sweet! I was always anal on eating the worst tasting apple...

12-1 Lunch. About 120g chix breast. About 1/2 a head brocolli. 1/2 a zuchinni. Many leafy veg. And asparagus. Actually, any combination of non-starchy veg is cool. They are V hard to digest. Prolly about 250kcal for lunch.

Free time up to dinner. Same routine as btw brekkie and lunch.

6-7 Dinner time! Mushrooms are my prefered food at this time. Or chix breast again. And the same old pile-on-veggy routine. With mushrooms tho, u cld make the total caloric intake about 150 kcal only if ya consider the thermogenic effect of taking in all this veg!

12 Sleep. If ya can last to even later, even better.

Btw, I advise to u indulge greatly on carrots and other vegs considered -ve calorie on this diet. Altho there might be this side effect...ahem..............(ask ryan hahaha)
Why do I fear death so much?

I have looked death in the eye many times and spat at it.

Abeit with a craze stare.

But why is it that I fear death that much?

From sunday to tuesday, horridly weak and sick I was. And whilst recupperating in bed, dreams of various deaths find me. My world crushing around me. Me dying. Me watching everything dying. Me dying mentally, yet seeing a healthful physical body. I could feel the pain in my chest each time I awoke. I felt myself dying from that illusionary experience itself. So real. That fear. It is so real. Why? Moreover, why is it that I can remember myself shivering, can remember the reaction, can know the cause, yet not even remember the exact details of the haunting dreams? Or the exact emotions I felt?

I almost want to experience that mental anguish over again. To understand. Is it truly something I fear deep within me, or just hallucinations brought about by a mind inebriated by pain? But do I dare enter that zone again?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Why the nightmares. Why do I keep having nightmares. Why do I keep dreaming of death and failure?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Posting posting. Haven't posted for eternity. I knew I did not have the dexterity to maintain a blog anymore lol.