Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Just completed my run and took a break. And decided that I just had to post this.

How many of ya have seen TV shows or movies of folks being chased by dogs whilst jogging? Now, how many of ya were laughing away at the sheer hilarity of an adult being chased by dogs? Finally, how many of ya actually have had such an incident replayed on you?

The title of this entry is self-explanatory. A pack of stray dogs did give chase whilst I was jogging. The cacophony of barks they gave prolly woke the block opposite too. So what really happened?

I am baffled myself as what turned on the dogs. I know for certain they make their home in the forested area along the road. I have also jogged past them aplenty to no detriment to either mine or their mental health. Yet they seemed incredibly agitated today while I approached them. One started barking as my jogging path took me to greater proximity with them. Thinking it might have just woke up on the wrong side of bed today or something (remember that they normally figure me for a speck of dirt whizzing past them, hence my relative nonchalence towards them), I continued my jog. This apparently incensed this one dog, for it started ringing out louder barks that summoned two other dogs from the pack. A little worried now, my pace quickened as a racing pulse accelerated further. The age-old adage of not running on seeing a furious dog had clearly went out of the window. Prolly sensing an early breakfast, the dogs gave chase. At a loss, the author sprinted across the road which provided the trigger for a contest to bite my butt. Now, how did I survive this? Stay tuned!

Oh, btw, Ryan, ya still think pontianaks are the only scary things along jogging routes?!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Friends and FamilyB
Finance / CareerD
Your Life's Average Grade: C
'What is your Life Grade?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Just read something...when sent this tot flashing:

I don't know what I want anymore. I see hope and death. Sometimes I embrace life, sometimes death. I want to die, I want to die, I want to die. No.

Literally, this was what flashed by. Rubber room, here I come!
A pit effacing love for you,
roses they bloom in it,
hiding the thorns.

Snakes they welcome me,
poisoned spear tips pointing up,
welcoming me with gracious pain.

Blood spews forth with gusto!
Hurt floods the mind!
Pain engulfs the body!
As I welcome the shards of glass that lacerate me.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

If only murder wasn't a crime...


Looking on the brighter side of life, however, goodness still manifests itself in many people. Considering that every rose has its thorn...whatever...